Our “How To” Guide


Do you hate being tricked into watching a sales video? So do we! Just to be clear, this is not a sales video. While we would love for you to discover the many benefits of the Rupp Method, that is not what this video is about. This video was created to be informational and balanced. This video is 62 minutes long. Other than one-line introduction, in the first 60 minutes, you will not hear the words “Rupp Method” mentioned even once. In the last two minutes of the video, we will give you information on how to contact us. That’s it. If you watch this and feel at any point that the content veers away from being balanced and informative, please contact us and we will work to revise any issues.


In the video we have shared below, we will guide you through the top five areas you need to focus on make sure your business succeeds.


You’ll learn about:


  • Benefits of accent training
  • Setting up your business
  • Evaluating the market
  • Creating business strategy
  • Growing your skills with or without structured training
  • Strategies for great results for your students
  • Processes for generating consistent income

Any questions? Please don’t hesitate to reach out. We are here to help. If you’d like to learn more about what we do and how we do it, feel free to explore the rest of this site. We hope you found some helpful information here to guide you as you get started or grow.


More FREE Content!

We have an in-depth 30-minute video that we’d love to share with you. In this video, we’ll take you on a tour of our trainer and student content, explaining what we do and how we do it. Because we show so much of our proprietary content in this video, we do have this password protected. If you want access, just shoot us a quick message saying “I want the tour!” and we’ll send that right over.


Is it a Good Fit?


Are you intrigued by the idea of accent training, but not sure if you can (or should) start your own business? 


In this video, we’ll talk through the challenges and opportunities that come with starting a small business. We’ll also give you insight into who will be successful with accent training (and how to be successful!).


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